SAG Whisper Comfort Sound Insulation 2.0
As started successfully in 2015 already with the market launch of the PREMIUM LINE insert locks, we will change over further model series of SAG insert locks to new the trap construction using the Whisper Comfort Sound Insulation 2.0.
Whisper Comfort Sound Insulation 2.0 on class 5 lock
We will start in the coming weeks with the classes of the 5 locks of series # 19300WK, 19403DK, 17468SK and the class 4 locks of series # 17480WK.
The class 3 locks of series # 17467WK and 17465WK will follow later.
The product and order numbers known to you will not change because of this.
Regarding products in stock, temporary crossovers can therefore occur and we ask for your understanding in advance.
For more information: