
SAG is awarded an official seal of quality certifying its status as a family-friendly company

The family-friendly company policies that have been implemented at Schulte-Schlagbaum AG for many years have now been acknowledged and rewarded by the North-Rhine Westphalia Employers’ Association for the Metalworking and Electrical Engineering Industry with the official seal for “family-friendly companies”. The main requirement for awarding of this seal is the reconciliation of career and family.

Metall NRW takes an active stance to promote workplace equality for men and women. Although the employment rate of women in this region has been growing continuously, the potential of highly educated women in North-Rhine Westphalia remains inadequately utilised. The most important task is to integrate qualified women into the labour market faster. For this purpose, the association has launched an online benchmarking tool, which aims to embed the reconciliation of career and family into the HR policies of member companies in a systematic, appropriate manner.

“We are delighted about this distinction, which confirms that our approach to the relevant topics such as reconciliation of career and family has been beneficial,” SAG Personnel Officer Judith Oentrich commented. “The schemes we offer facilitate entry or re-entry after parental leave, especially for our female staff. At the same time, we consider the increasingly important topic of reconciling care and career. Flexible working hours and part-time models play an important role in this. We continuously invest in a wide range of projects in order to remain attractive for highly trained professionals.”

For more information: saghotline@sag-schlagbaum.com

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