
CeBIT 2015 – Final round of the CODE_n Contest

The CODE_n contest, part of this year's CeBIT, turned Hall 16 at the Hanover Trade Fair into an innovation hot spot for a week – and SAG was in the thick of it all.


Video of the CODE_n Contest at CeBIT 2015


With the online check-in feature, a Web-based access solution that makes it possible for hotel guests to enjoy completely autonomous access to their rooms, SAG and LEAPIN / Digital Keys were successful in seeing off a good 400 competitors and entering the final round of the last 50 start-ups.


The finalists of the Code_n Award – 50 start-ups with 50 innovation-centric presentations on the topic "Into the Internet of Things" (On the extreme left of the picture: SAG cooperative alliance partner Steve Dunn, CEO of LEAPIN / Digital Keys)

Observing the motto "Into the Internet of Things", the participants had the opportunity to leverage CeBIT 2015 to establish contacts, present their products to a specialist audience or enter into dialogue with interested visitors.


Interested visitors engage with the product demonstration carried out by Joaquin Borge Sanchez, Head of the Door and Furniture Locking System Business Division


CODE_n was conceptualised by the GFT Group in 2011. Since then, it has actively supported digital pioneer networks and their innovative business models.

"We are presenting our locking system SAFE-O-TRONIC® access DS here; this has now been supplemented by a Web-based PIN code solution and thus meets the current requirements of today's hotel industry", sums up Joaquin Borge Sanchez, Head of the Door and Furniture Locking System Business Division. An online check-in system has been established in conjunction with the software developers at LEAPIN / Digital Keys; this makes flexible access via a PIN code, NFC or also via the conventional RFID card possible for guests using a smartphone app.



Joaquin Borge Sanchez (SAG) and Steve Dunn (LEAPIN / Digital Keys)

Steve Dunn, CEO of SAG's cooperative alliance partner LEAPIN / Digital Keys is delighted at the considerable attention accorded by the industry here at CeBIT: "We were invited to pitching events and to presentations for international media and the press – a superb opportunity to create awareness of our product and to familiarise people with the advantages of "digital keys".



Cooperative alliance partners LEAPIN / Digital Keys and SAG presented the online check-in at CeBIT



All in all, an outstanding event that afforded all participants a number of new contacts.

We congratulate the Berlin-based company Relayr on winning the award!

Comprehensive information on the award is to be found at: www.code-n.org


For more information email saghotline@sag-schlagbaum.com




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