
118th General Shareholders’ Meeting of Schulte-Schlagbaum AG: An eventful year for the group, with clear growth prospects for the future

The 118th general shareholders’ meeting of Schulte-Schlagbaum AG took place on 19/06/2019 in the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal. The Velbert-based group, under the leadership of Peter Pongratz, reported negative operating results for the past financial year for the first time in three years. In 2018, the group achieved revenues of approximately 50 million euros, whereby around 3 million euros can be attributed to the first-time inclusion of the new SAG acquisition of Sächsische Schlossfabrik GmbH. After three profitable financial years, the group reported a net loss in the past year of 408,000 euros.

CEO Peter Pongratz presented the operating results at the 118th general shareholders’ meeting of Schulte-Schlagbaum AG in the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal.

In the last financial year (2018), the lock and striking plate systems segment generated turnover at the previous year’s level, thereby remaining below voluntary targets. However, as a result of continuous improvements in logistics and production processes and the realisation of synergies in collaboration with Sächsische Schlossfabrik GmbH, a course has been set for positive development.

The past financial year 2018 was explained to shareholders by management and the supervisory board in the Mendelssohn Hall of the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal.

In the door and furniture locking systems segment, turnover was slightly below that of the previous year. In the domestic market in particular, targets were missed substantially despite revenue growth of 4.5%. Exports were unable to maintain the continuous upward trend of previous years and closed at the level of the preceding year.

For the second year in a row, the guest management systems segment had a positive influence on the group’s results. Despite an expected slight reduction in revenue, novacom software gmbh’s results were even better than in the previous, highly successful year. This achievement was also recognised outside of the group in 2018 by means of first place at the ALC Awards in Styria as well as second place across Austria for companies with a turnover of up to 10 million euros. By contrast, system vendor eccos pro was unable to match the positive development of the past two years and showed a negative result. A slight improvement in revenue and an improved positive result at EDV-Service Schaupp GmbH contributed to an overall satisfactory result in the guest management systems segment. The local production facilities of Swiss subsidiary STS Schänis GmbH showed an increase in turnover in the last year of a total of 5.3% when measured in CHF. Sächsische Schlossfabrik GmbH has been a part of Schulte-Schlagbaum AG since 01/07/2018. In the financial statements for the period from 01/07 to 31/12/2018, the newest SAG subsidiary showed a positive operating result.


CEO Peter Pongratz views the Schulte-Schlagbaum AG group as being well positioned for the future market of digitalisation and smart building.

CEO Peter Pongratz described the annual financial results at the AGM as unsatisfactory, but mentioned that the expansion based on the incorporation of Sächsische Schlossfabrik GmbH in the group represented an opportunity for further optimisation of market positioning, manufacturing efficiency and product portfolio quality. In addition, an opportunity exists for opening new areas of business by means of digital solutions for intelligent buildings. “The first products and solutions in the future market of digitalisation and smart building were launched in the last financial year. These tap into new potential for Schulte-Schlagbaum AG by way of clearly systematised market cultivation, allowing me to have confidence in the coming years”, summarised Pongratz in his view of the future for the group.

For further information: saghotline@sag-schlagbaum.com

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